Permission to Take Courses at Another Institution

Permission to Take Courses at Another Institution

It is expected that Monmouth University students, once enrolled, will complete all degree requirements at Monmouth University. However, in recognition that students may, on occasion (usually in the summer), have sound academic or personal reasons to take courses at other accredited institutions, they may request permission to do so. In evaluating such requests, consideration will be given to the relationship between the student’s classification and the type of institution the student seeks to attend.

A student who requests permission (using e-FORMS) to take courses at another institution must be in good academic standing. The student should not be enrolled in classes at Monmouth during the semester or term in which permission is sought. The student must receive permission in advance from the chair of the department in which the student’s major is housed, the school dean, and the Registrar. The student must present supporting evidence of course equivalency. Permission is granted for free elective courses and required courses in the "interdisciplinary requirements" portion of your program, but not for general education or major courses. Major courses include courses within the concentration, if any. Students may not repeat a course at another institution that they have previously attempted at Monmouth University.

Once a student attains junior status (completed sixty-one [61] or more credits), permission will not be given to take courses at any two-year institution. For credit to become part of the student’s Monmouth University transcript, a grade of “C” or higher must be earned at the other institution. For such courses, the grade earned at the other institution does not calculate in the Monmouth University grade point average; a “T” grade is posted to the student’s academic record. In accordance with Monmouth University’s residency requirement, students who are within thirty (30) credits of graduation are not eligible for this permission.