Academic Programs, Support Services and Regulations

Academic Programs, Support Services and Regulations

Degree Requirements

Bachelor’s Degrees

The fundamental purpose of Monmouth University is to foster a love of learning and enable our graduates to enjoy a better quality of life and contribute to the greater health and well-being of all communities, human and natural. A Monmouth University undergraduate education provides an understanding of the world in which we live, the skills and knowledge needed to pursue further education and a career, an awareness of civic responsibility including the opportunities for service and leadership in the public interest, and the ability to engage in a lifetime of learning. Specific learning goals are embodied within the six categories described below.

Monmouth University students will be prepared to embark on a journey of lifelong learning and will:

  1. Be empowered with a mastery of practical and intellectual skills, including writing, reading, speaking, qualitative and quantitative reasoning, technology, information literacy, and critical thinking;
  2. Be informed by knowledge of the natural and social sciences and basic forms of inquiry, including competence in basic research skills, scientific method, collaborative problem solving, and working in interdisciplinary groups;
  3. Have self-understanding based upon reflection, judgment, self-examination, independence of mind, and creativity;
  4. Have an understanding of the human experience based upon knowledge of history, culture, interdependence, equality, justice, diversity, commonality, and contemporary global affairs;
  5. Be responsible for ethics in social interactions, community involvement, and civic action; and
  6. Relate academic knowledge to broader life and career pursuits, and acquire a depth of knowledge in a major field.

All candidates for bachelor’s degrees must complete the General Education Requirements. (Transfer students should also refer to the General Education Transfer Equivalencies.) These requirements, generally satisfied in the first two years, provide foundations designed to enhance all major courses of study.

In the senior year, all students take an interdisciplinary perspectives course that affords the opportunity to explore a focused problem, topic, or issue. The ability to bring a variety of intellectual tools to complex problems is encouraged, and course formats include discussion and group projects.

Degree Programs

Monmouth University offers a variety of courses and programs at the undergraduate level. The curriculum provides for general education in the liberal arts and intensive study in one or more major disciplines. Classes are offered year-round during the day and in the evening. Candidates for bachelor’s degrees may select majors or concentrations from the following (for specific details, please see the appropriate school section):

Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dean: David Golland, Ph.D.

Completion of the following programs leads to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree:

  • Anthropology
  • Art
  • Art with a Concentration in Photography
  • Communication
  • Communication with a Concentration in Journalism, Public Relations, and Sports Communication

  • Communication with a Concentration in Media, Content Creation, and Sports

  • Communication with a Concentration in Communication, Culture, and Leadership

  • Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice with Social Work
  • English
  • English with a Concentration in Creative Writing
  • History
  • History-Political Science Interdisciplinary
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Music
  • Music with a Concentration in Music Industry
  • Music with a Concentration in Musical Theatre
  • Political Science
  • Political Science with a Concentration in International Relations
  • Political Science with a Concentration in Legal Studies
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Sociology with a Concentration in Applied Research and Community Organizing
  • Spanish
  • Spanish and Communication

Completion of the following program leads to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree:

  • Homeland Security

Completion of the following programs lead to the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Degree:

  • Fine Arts in Design and Animation with a Concentration in Animation
  • Fine Arts in Design and Animation with a Concentration in Graphic and Interactive Design

School of Science

Interim Dean: Joseph Coyle, Ph.D.

Completion of the following programs leads to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree:

  • Biology
  • Biology with a Concentration in Molecular Cell Physiology
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry with a Concentration in Advanced Chemistry
  • Clinical Laboratory Science with a Concentration in Medical Laboratory Science
  • Computer Science
  • Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics with a Concentration in Statistics
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Software Engineering

Completion of the following programs leads to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree:

  • Computer Science

Leon Hess School of Business

Dean: Raj Devasagayam, Ph.D.

Completion of the following program leads to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree:

  • Business Administration with a Concentration in Accounting, Accounting Analytics, Economics, Economics and Finance, Finance, Finance and Real Estate, International Business, Operations, Supply Chain, and Data Management, Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Organizational Development, Marketing, Marketing and Management, or Real Estate

School of Education

Interim Dean: Wendy Harriott, Ph.D.

Completion of the following programs leads to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree:

  • Education (elementary, secondary, or K-12). Must be combined with a content major from Anthropology, Art, English, English with a Concentration in Creative Writing, History, History/Political Science, Music, Political Science, or Spanish
  • Education (elementary) Interdisciplinary Studies for Elementary Educators
  • Special Education Endorsement (elementary or secondary). Must be combined with a content major from Anthropology, English, English with a Concentration in Creative Writing, History, or Spanish and Education.

Completion of the following programs leads to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree:

  • Education (elementary or secondary). Must be combined with a content major from Biology, Chemistry, Health/Physical Education, or Mathematics.

School of Nursing and Health Studies

Acting Dean: Shannon Clifford, Ph.D.

Completion of the following program leads to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) Degree:

  • Nursing

Completion of the following programs leads to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree:

  • Health Studies
  • Health Promotion

School of Social Work

Interim Dean: Golam Mathbor, Ph.D.

Completion of the following program leads to the Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) Degree:

  • Social Work
  • Social Work with Criminal Justice