Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations

Academic Amnesty

Academic amnesty provides former students of Monmouth University, who had been academically dismissed, an opportunity to improve their grade point averages and extends to them the privileges enjoyed by transfer students.  In order to be eligible, a former student of Monmouth University must have been away from the University for at least three years. Academic Amnesty is granted when students are re-admitted, but only once and not for any subsequent re-admissions. 

Under Academic Amnesty, courses previously taken at Monmouth with grades of C- or below will be excluded from GPA calculations and students will not receive credit for them.  Students may opt to keep some of their low grades so that the courses do not have to be repeated, but they would then be included in their GPAs.  These must be determined in consultation with the department chair, Dean, or Director of Undeclared Services and specified in writing.

Academic Amnesty will also apply to courses re-taken successfully at other institutions while away from Monmouth University.  (In general, courses must have minimum grades of C to transfer, but some schools or departments may have more stringent requirements.) Those grades will transfer as T and will remove the prior grades from GPA calculations.  They will then be able to serve as prerequisite courses, as long as the grade obtained at the other institution was high enough to meet Monmouth’s prerequisite specifications.  (In some cases, this may have to be done by override.)  Transfer courses will be subject to existing credit limits and other regulations specified in the Undergraduate catalog, as well as criteria that may be school or department specific.

Students who receive veterans’ educational benefits who are approved for academic amnesty should be aware that they will not be entitled to VA benefits when taking courses that satisfy requirements that were satisfied prior to academic amnesty.

Academic amnesty will be posted after a student re-matriculates at the University.  Students receiving Amnesty must meet the residency requirement by taking the last thirty (30) credits at Monmouth University with a minimum of fifteen (15) in the major field.  A grade point average adjusted by amnesty shall not be used to determine general honors upon graduation.

Regardless of Academic Amnesty, none of the grades earned by a student at Monmouth University will be expunged from the student’s permanent record or excluded from any transcript sent from Monmouth University.  Courses that receive no credit under the grant of amnesty shall not be used later for fulfillment of any degree requirement.  Any decision to accept Amnesty for a selected course is final and can not be revoked or changed. 

Evaluation of applications for academic amnesty shall be made by the Academic Standards and Review Committee in consultation with the appropriate departments. The Committee will inform the Registrar of its decision and of courses affected by the granting of amnesty.

nt of amnesty shall not be offered later for fulfillment of any degree requirement, and a grade point average adjusted by amnesty shall not be used to determine general honors upon graduation.

Evaluation of applications for academic amnesty shall be made by the Academic Standards and Review Committee in consultation with the appropriate departments. The Committee will inform the Registrar of its decision and of courses affected by the granting of amnesty.

Academic Honesty

Monmouth University encourages its students to grow intellectually as well as to become responsible citizens in our complex society. To develop their skills and talents, students are asked to conduct research, perform experiments, write papers, work individually, and cooperate in group activities. Academic dishonesty subverts the University’s mission and undermines the student’s intellectual growth. Dishonesty in such academic practices as assignments, examinations, or other academic work cannot be condoned. A student who submits work that is not original violates the purpose of Monmouth University and may forfeit their right and opportunity to continue at the University.

The University has an obligation as an educational institution to be certain that each student’s work is their own. Note that Monmouth University faculty members have access to Turnitin, a Web-based plagiarism-detection resource that compares the text of student papers to an extensive electronic database. This database includes current and archived Internet resources, periodicals, journals and other publications, and past student papers from Monmouth and other educational institutions. All student assignments may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers may be included as source documents in the Turnitin reference database (solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers). Faculty are expected to inform students in advance about which assignments will be checked for originality using Turnitin. Use of the Turnitin service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the Turnitin site.

Academic Probation

A major concern of the University is to provide students with appropriate notice whenever their academic status is in jeopardy. Academic probation is designed to serve this purpose.

Any first-semester full-time freshman student, or part-time student with up to 19 credits completed, who fails to achieve a GPA of 1.50 will be placed on academic probation; such a student who fails to earn at least a 1.00 will be considered for academic dismissal. Any student who has earned a minimum of eighty (80) credits and who fails to achieve the minimum major GPA as established by the content major will be placed on academic probation until his or her major GPA reaches the graduation minimum.

All other students are placed on probation when the cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. Additionally, any student who receives a grade of “F” in a developmental course will be placed on probation and will remain on probation until the course is successfully completed.

Students on probation...

  • should not be absent from any classroom exercise, scheduled class function, laboratory, or conference period.
  • are not permitted to self-register using WEBregistration, but instead must make all schedule changes with their academic advisor.
  • are urged to seek academic counsel from their faculty advisors or department chairs to help them improve their academic standing.
  • may be advised to curtail employment, change their major curriculum (see Academic Probation), reduce the number of credits attempted, or restrict participation in extracurricular activities.

In addition, any student determined to be on probation at the end of an academic term is not permitted to hold higher officer in any University Organization or to participate in a varsity sports competition. If a spring sport varsity athlete is determined to be on probation during their championship season (including post-season competition), the athlete is permitted to compete up until the Completion of their championship season (including post-season competition), provided they have met all other NCAA eligibility requirements. If a fall or winter sport varsity athlete is determined to be on probation during their championship season, the athlete is permitted to compete up until the start of the spring semester, provided they have met all other NCAA eligibility requirements.

Good Academic Standing

  • Any student who falls below a 1.5 cumulative GPA after completing 12 credits is no longer considered to be in Good Academic Standing.
  • Any student who falls below a 1.8 cumulative GPA after completing 24 credits is no longer considered to be in Good Academic Standing.
  • Any student-athlete deemed not in Good Academic Standing at any point is no longer permitted to participate in a varsity sports competition immediately, per NCAA Bylaw, until the student-athlete has regained a status of Good Academic Standing; and meets all other NCAA, conference, and institutional rules. 
  • All varsity sport student-athletes must meet all NCAA, conference, and institutional academic eligibility requirements above.  In addition, a student must be in Good Academic Standing to compete in varsity competition.

Academic Dismissal

A student shall become subject to academic dismissal for any of the following conditions and may be dismissed without prior warning:

  • For failing to meet these minimum standards:
    Credits Completed1 Minimum Cumulative GPA
    12–19 credits 1.00
    19.5–35.5 credits 1.60
    36–56.5 credits 1.80
    57 and more credits 2.00

    Credits completed include credits for all courses not officially withdrawn from, and all transfer credits accepted by, Monmouth University (though only credits earned at Monmouth are computed in the GPA).

  • For failing to earn a semester GPA of at least 1.00 (if a full-time student), or a GPA of 1.00 in any combined consecutive semesters within which at least twelve credits have been attempted (if a part-time student);
  • For failure to earn a passing grade in a required course after the maximum number of allowable repeats (see Repeating a Course);
  • For failure to earn the minimum major GPA as set by the content major after three (3) consecutive semesters;
  • For failure to successfully complete all required developmental courses within the first year of attendance;
  • Upon the recommendation of the student’s chair or school dean.

A student who has been dismissed for the first time has the right to appeal that decision in writing to the Academic Standards and Review Committee. Second dismissals are not subject to appeal except for factual error. A student may apply for readmission three years after the second dismissal. See Readmission to the University after Academic Dismissal for information on readmission following academic dismissal.


Monmouth University believes that attendance is essential to success in academic courses. Therefore, class attendance is required. The University believes that learning is an interactive process dependent in part on the student and is not just a matter of the passive absorption of information. The University also believes that to benefit fully from their respective courses, students need to participate in, and contribute constructively to, the classroom experience, and, secondly, that the success of any course depends as much on what students contribute to the class as on what the instructor presents.

Grades in courses are normally based on academic performance (participation, contribution, and examination). However, individual faculty members may adopt reasonable regulations that additionally relate grades to class attendance. All professors must state their specific attendance policies in a written statement containing the pertinent course requirements and give it to the students during the first week of the semester. A student who may not be present at a particular class or laboratory is, nevertheless, responsible for adhering to the attendance requirements of the course. A student absent from class due to inclement weather may not be penalized for that absence but are required to contact their faculty regarding the timely completion of assignments.

Students are not permitted to attend classes for which they have not officially registered (as determined by the Office of the Registrar). If students attend without prior registration, they are subject to disciplinary actions, inclusive of suspension and/or dismissal, and will not be permitted to “retroactively” enroll.

Course Withdrawals

Students are expected to complete the courses for which they register. On occasion, however, withdrawals are warranted. (See section entitled “Grades” for a description of the “W” grade and associated procedures.) Students who do not intend to complete any course for which they are officially registered should execute an official withdrawal prior to the “W” deadline.

Students who do not intend to complete one or more courses for which they are registered should submit an official withdraw e-FORM, Withdraw from Course by the stated deadline on the academic calendar. The Withdraw from Course e-FORM should also be used when withdrawing from ALL courses and intending to return to Monmouth University in the future.

Students withdrawing from ALL courses with NO intention to return to the University must use the Total Withdraw from University e-FORM.

Except under unusual circumstances, such as prolonged illness, a student will not be permitted to withdraw from course work past the stated deadline in the academic calendar. All students who do not complete courses and who have not executed an official withdrawal prior to the deadline indicated will receive “F” grades for such courses.

Fourteenth Week Class Schedule

Fourteenth week classes shall be held during a time scheduled by the University.

Fourteenth week information is available on the "Registration Information" page of the Monmouth University Web site. A student who has three or more fourteenth week classes scheduled in one day may request that one of them be rescheduled to another day. It is normally the middle one of the three that is rescheduled. The class should be given at a time agreed upon by both the student and the faculty member on or before the end of the fourteenth week class period.