

Chair: Maryanne Rhett, Department of History and Anthropology

Master of Arts in Anthropolgy (M.A.)

The Master of Arts in Anthropology provides students with the necessary credentials to fulfill a variety of professional and academic goals. For students interested in archeology, their training and degree will prepare them for full-time supervisory-level employment in archaeology, cultural resource management, historic preservation, and geographic information systems (G.I.S.). Students interested in social policy, teaching, public relations, and local community engagement will receive training in qualitative research and other conceptual tools of cultural anthropology that prepare them for work in culturally unfamiliar and diverse situations.  Students planning to continue for a Ph.D. will receive a well-grounded education in theory and methods taught by well-published faculty. Students in the program complete thirty credit hours of course work. Of the thirty credits for the program, six may be transferred from another institution.

Graduate Certificate in Archaeology

The graduate certificate in archaeology is designed for graduate students pursuing careers in cultural resource management, public archaeology, historic preservation, or museum studies. Students will be provided practical training in these fields taught by skilled practitioners with active professional networks. The 18-credit certificate exists within the Anthropology Program and draws on the strengths of the department in anthropology, archaeology, geography, geographic information systems, and history.

Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.)

The 12-credit graduate certificate in G.I.S. is designed for graduate students in one of the many master's programs that use spatial data, such as Anthropology, Business, Computer Science, History, Social Work, and potentially other programs. In addition to master's students, the G.I.S. graduate certificate program will accommodate working professionals who need G.I.S. training to advance their careers.