Computer Science and Software Engineering

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Chair: Ling Zheng, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering

UNIX Administrator and Teacher: Joseph Chung

Master of Science in Computer Science (M.S.C.S.)

The Master of Science in Computer Science provides a broad background in graduate-level computer science study. The thirty- to forty two-credit program allows the student to choose a thesis option or a non-thesis option. Students may also choose to specialize in Computer Networks, Databases and Intelligent Information Systems, or Security of Computer Systems and Networks. When the applicant has a strong background in computer science, such as a bachelor’s degree in computer science with excellent standing, up to twelve credits (CS-501B Program Development (3 cr.)-CS-505 Operating Systems Concepts (3 cr.)) may be waived. Other majors may be required to take some or all of these courses. These foundation courses must be completed with a minimum GPA of 3.0, and all prerequisite courses must be passed with a grade of “B-” or better.

Master of Science in Data Science (M.S.D.S.)

The Master of Science in Data Science provides a nice complement to our current advanced degree programs, and offers an attractive option for students with or without a strong background in computer science to gain the skills to enter this highly attractive job market for data scientists/data analysts. The emphasis of this program is on projects that will provide students with experience in working with real-world data from a variety of different disciplines. Students will engage in three or four semester-long projects, working with external partners to address questions that can be answered with a variety of data science techniques. Students graduated from this program will be well positioned to compete in the marketplace for positions in a range of fields by having broad experience with many data analysis techniques and experience with data visualization and communication in both written and oral forms.

Master of Science in Information Systems (M.S.I.S.)

The M.S.I.S. is a unique degree program that educates students about how to apply computing technology to business programs. With courses offered through the School of Science and the Leon Hess Business School, the M.S.I.S. prepares students for employment in the Information Technology (IT) sector at a management level. The program benefits are:

  • Focus on the technology or management side of information systems by choosing one of two distinct tracks;
  • Become an effective team member, including teams that are international and geographically distributed;
  • Excel at project management and management and improve business decision-making;
  • Learn how to reconcile conflicting project objectives;
  • Be eligible to apply for positions such as business systems analyst, software project manager, software requirements developer, information technology operations manager, and customer support specialist.

The M.S.I.S. also allows students to gain full and thorough training in information systems, which can be used as a basis for pursuing certifications such as the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Project Management Professional (PMP), and the Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP).

Master of Science in Software Engineering (M.S.S.E.)

Monmouth University was one of the first institutions in the United States to recognize the newly emerging discipline of Software Engineering by establishing a separate department to specialize in this strategic engineering discipline. The Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering offers a Master of Science Degree in Software Engineering.

The objective of the master’s degree program is for the student to master the necessary skills and knowledge that allow him or her to be an effective member of a software development team. The program’s educational objectives are to prepare students so that upon graduation they will:

  1. Show mastery of the software engineering knowledge and skills and professional issues necessary to practice as a software engineer in a variety of application domains with demonstrated performance in at least one application domain;
  2. Understand the relationship between software engineering and systems engineering and be able to apply systems engineering principles and practices in the engineering of software;
  3. Show mastery of software engineering in at least one specialty, such as networked software systems, information systems, real-time systems, or software systems security.
  4. Work effectively as part of a team, including teams that may be international and geographically distributed, to develop quality software artifacts, and to lead in one area of project development, such as project management, requirements analysis, architecture, construction, or quality assurance;
  5. Reconcile conflicting project objectives, finding acceptable compromises within limitations of cost, time, knowledge, existing systems, and organizations;
  6. Design appropriate software engineering solutions that address ethical, social, legal, and economic concerns;
  7. Understand and appreciate the importance of feasibility analysis, negotiation, effective work habits, leadership, and good communication with stakeholders in a typical software development environment;
  8. Learn new models, techniques, and technologies as they emerge, and appreciate the necessity of such continuing professional development;
  9. Analyze a current significant software technology, be able to articulate its strengths and weaknesses, and be able to specify and promote improvements or extensions to that knowledge.

Classes are scheduled to support working professionals and many of our students are from New Jersey’s premier software industries. The department offers the entire program at the main campus of Monmouth University. The Master of Science in Software Engineering degree is a thirty-credit curriculum, with four core courses, four advanced elective courses, and a six-credit thesis or practicum. The core courses provide the student with the foundations of modern software engineering. When the applicant has a background other than computer science or software engineering, up to twelve credits of foundation courses may be required before registering for the core courses. These foundation courses must be passed with a grade of “B-” or better. Students can opt for writing a thesis or participating in a group practicum for two semesters as their capstone experience before graduation.     

For students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree in software engineering, the department offers an advanced track, which gives students the opportunity to earn a master’s degree after completion of a thirty-credit curriculum. In addition, students may choose between two paths within this track, the thesis or non-thesis option. If students choose the thesis option, they will complete the core courses, research and write a thesis over two semesters, and choose and complete two pairs of advanced elective courses. Students who choose the non-thesis option will complete the core courses and choose and complete three pairs of advanced elective courses. Finally, all students will take one advanced elective course from the list of non-paired courses.