Explanation of Tuition, Fees and Deposits

Explanation of Tuition, Fees and Deposits

Tuition Charges: Undergraduate students are billed according to their status as matriculated full-time or part-time students. Full-time undergraduate students will be billed, upon registering for a given semester, for tuition at the full-time rate; those who register for more than eighteen credits will have an additional charge for each credit over eighteen, billed at the part-time rate. Part-time students are billed at the per-credit rate. Undergraduate students wishing to change status must process a Request to Change Enrollment Status form with the Office of the Bursar. In addition, part-time, non-matriculated students must receive approval from the Office of Undergraduate Admission before a change to full-time status can be processed.

Under this policy, undergraduate students whose status is full time will be billed at the full-time rate, regardless of the number of credits for which they are registered, until a Request to Change Enrollment Status form is processed. If a full-time student fails to register for a full-time load by the end of the registration period, the University will adjust the billing and change the student’s status accordingly. An undergraduate student whose status is part-time will be billed at the part-time per-credit rate, unless registered for twelve or more credits (then the student will be billed at the full-time rate). Summer tuition will be billed at the per-credit rate regardless of status.

Financial Aid awards will be based on the student’s status, and students should be aware that change in status may affect Financial Aid eligibility.

Graduate students are assessed tuition on a per-credit basis.  Students should be aware that the number of enrolled credits may affect Financial Aid eligibility.

Application Fee: This nonrefundable fee is for the cost of processing undergraduate and graduate applications.

Acceptance Deposit: This deposit must be paid by all new full-time undergraduate students (twelve or more credits) prior to registration. Acceptance deposits paid by transfer students are not refundable. Acceptance deposits paid by freshmen for the fall semester are refundable until May 1.

Comprehensive Fee: The Comprehensive Fee includes services provided by the Student Center, Student Engagement, Health Center, Intercollegiate and Intramural Athletics, Career Development, Counseling, the Fitness Center, and Registration. It also includes online services and campus technology programs.

Clinical Laboratory and Practicum Fee:  This fee is charged to offset the additional costs associated with certain clinical laboratory and practicum courses.

Credit by Examination Fee: This fee is for the administrative and personnel costs for the Credit by Examination program.

Graduation Fee: This fee covers all costs associated with graduation from the University including diploma, diploma case, cap, gown and hood, processing, and electronic credentials issued the day of your graduation.

Laboratory and Studio Fee: This fee is charged in addition to the tuition for each laboratory or studio course. It covers costs of additional class hours and special materials.

Late Payment Fee: A fee is charged to all students who have not properly made final financial arrangements with the Bursar by the payment due date.

Orientation Fee: This fee is charged to new students to cover the expenses of the orientation program.

Parking Fee: This fee is charged to all resident students who register a motor vehicle with the campus police. Failure to register vehicles will result in parking fines.

Physical Education Fee: This fee is for the use of equipment required in the physical education program.

Portfolio Assessment Fee: This fee is for the administrative and personnel costs for the Portfolio Assessment program.

Program Fee – BSN Students: This fee is charged to all Bachelor of Science in Nursing students to offset the expense of a supplemental learning solution that provides students with the tools and essential skills needed to be successful on the NCLEX. 

Returned Check Fee: A fee is charged for each uncollectible check issued to the University.

Residence Hall Room Reservation Deposit: Students who wish to reserve space in the residence halls are required to forward a $150 room reservation deposit and signed contract prior to registration. The $150 is applied as a credit toward room rent.

Residence Hall Contract Cancellation Fee: This fee is charged to students who have contracted to reserve space in the residence hall and fail to cancel that contract prior to June 1. This fee is in addition to forfeiture of the room reservation deposit.

Second Year Residency Penalty Fee: All undergraduate students enrolled who are not commuting from or living in the home of the parent/guardian are required to live in Monmouth University housing for their second year. Students who elect to live off campus without an approved waiver will be responsible for a substantial off-campus housing fee.

Study Abroad Fee: This fee is charged to Monmouth University students who have been granted permission to enroll in a Study Abroad program sponsored by another college or university.

Student Teacher Early Field Experience Fee: This fee is charged to education majors to offset the expense of the early field experience.

Student Teaching Field Experience Fee: This fee is charged to education majors to offset the expense of student teaching.