Education Special Education (EDS)

Education Special Education (EDS)

Course usage information

EDS-500   Foundations of Special Education: Child & Adolescent Development and Transition to AdulthoodCredits: 3   

Course Type(s): EDFOU, MAT

Philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of special education, including educational theories and prominent theorists. The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) Code of Ethics and Standards for Practice are studied. Exploration of the similarities and differences among the cognitive, physical, cultural, social, and emotional needs of individuals with disabilities across the lifespan, including adolescent concerns and transition to adulthood. Examination of the educational implications of characteristics of various exceptionalities such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), ADHD, intellectual & developmental disabilities, emotional disabilities, and orthopedic impairment. Educational implications for learners from diverse cultures and second language learners will also be addressed through discussions on family characteristics and family systems theory. An overview of a continuum of service delivery models, inclusive practices, communication, and collaboration will be explored. Clinical hours required.

Course usage information

EDS-502   Autism: Characteristics, Etiology, and Current IssuesCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Content includes an overview of various characteristics and learning traits of students who are served within the category of autism spectrum disorders. Candidates will examine definitions, eligibility criteria, incidence rates, etiology and historical perspectives on autism. Perspectives on the roles and responsibilities of students, families, educational professionals, community personnel, and employers in relation to individuals with autism are also explored.

Course usage information

EDS-522   Accommodating Learners with Special Needs in Inclusive SettingsCredits: 3   

Course Type(s): OL

Designed to explore the concept of inclusion, discuss it from a theoretical and practical perspective, and present strategies necessary for inclusion to be successful. Included will be an emphasis on instructional strategies, differentiated instruction, accommodations and modifications, and communication and consultation techniques for co-teaching and professional collaboration.

Course usage information

EDS-530   Research Issues and Trends in Special EducationCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): Take 6 graduate credits of EDS.

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): EDRES

An appraisal of current practices and issues in the field of special education is conducted through discussion and review of the research literature. P-12 educators explore the code of ethics and standards of practice in the field and are encouraged to become critical consumers of research as a foundation for practice. The ability to critically analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the research base in special education is emphasized. Prerequisite: 6 graduate credits of EDS

Course usage information

EDS-532   Physiological Aspects of LearningCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Summer Term

Course Type(s): None

Extends candidates' knowledge of various applications of the physiological model of learning and learning disorders to various aspects of assessment and training of students with various learning, medical, and behavioral problems. Emphasis is placed on Learning Disorders (both right and left brain), ADHD (both inattentive and hyperactive), Social and Emotional Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder and other disorders under the category of Other Health Impaired (Tourette Syndrome and other chronic disorders).

Course usage information

EDS-534   Classroom Management in Inclusive SettingsCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-572

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): OL

Includes the study of the principles of behavior and a focus on the practical application strategies for teachers in inclusive settings. Factors that influence the behavior of students with disabilities and research-based techniques to facilitate positive teacher-student and peer relationships in a classroom environment are discussed. Clinical hours required.

Course usage information

EDS-535   Technology and Students with DisabilitiesCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): MAT

Focus is on instructor-centered and learner-centered integration of technology to provide a technological supportive environment to meet the special needs of students. Clinical hours required.

Course usage information

EDS-537   Collaborating with Families, Students, and Professionals in Community and Educational SettingsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A study of social, legal, and educational issues related to diverse students across the life span, research-based approaches for assessment, intervention, and remediation for students with disabilities, and technology applications in the classroom; the impact of disability on the family system; communication skills needed for collaborating with diverse families; identifying and researching community resources for persons with disabilities and their families; and strategies for involving the families in the referral and evaluation and development process of transition and career planning as well as the selection of transition resources and services.

Course usage information

EDS-538   Special Education LawCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

A historical overview of special education laws and the impact on special education services and professional practices in the United States. Includes a review of major court decisions and analysis of state laws, codes, and statutes. Application of legal principles in local processes and policies are examined.

Course usage information

EDS-542   Communication and Social Competence SkillsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

Focuses on the development and improvement of speech, language and social competence skills for individuals with autism. Also included are research-based approaches to assessment, intervention and remediation of communication disorders for individuals with autism. The functional relationship between communication skills and behavior is also examined. (Field experience is required).

Course usage information

EDS-550   Learning Theories and Applications in Educational SettingsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

Covers various classical and contemporary philosophies, aspects and models of learning. Emphasis will be placed upon such topics as multiple intelligences, learning styles, teaching styles, information processing critical thinking skills, brain-based learning and other learning theories. Students will review and critique general learning theories, as well as investigate how people organize, encode, process, transform, utilize and articulate information presented in an instructional environment.

Course usage information

EDS-552   Methods of Teaching Students with DisabilitiesCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-500 and EDS-572

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): OL

Implementation of evidence-based practices in lessons, unit plans, and transition planning for students with disabilities in separate and inclusive settings. Teaching methods in the field of special education are emphasized. Focus on curriculum planning, learning environments, and materials for students with disabilities; and identifying and creating accommodations and modifications to meet the needs of all students in special education and inclusive settings. Includes pedagogy that is applicable to teaching literacy to struggling readers and students with disabilities, including literacy in the content areas. Alternative and augmentative communication and assistive technology are addressed. Clinical hours required.

Course usage information

EDS-566   Assessment and Interventions for Individuals with Autism ICredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Assessment processes such as screening, diagnosis, and identification of developmental skills for individuals with autism are included. Focus is on assessment of specific skills in developmental domains, such as sensory, oral, motor, play, and communication and practical strategies detailing what to teach based on assessment data. Research-based interventions that promote progress in the areas of communication, social, academic, behavior, and sensory motor skills for students with autism are examined. An overview of numerous curricula approaches and materials for individuals with autism are also included. Methods for monitoring the impact of interventions are explored in a variety of service delivery models. (Field experience is required.)

Course usage information

EDS-567   Assessment and Interventions for Individuals with Autism IICredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-566

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

Various assessment processes such as screening, diagnosis, and identification of specific skills for individuals with autism are included. Focus is on using assessment data from various developmental domains to plan, choose, and implement appropriate intervention strategies based on specific needs of an individual with autism. An overview of numerous curricula approaches and materials for individuals with autism is included in this course. (Field experience is required.)

Course usage information

EDS-568   Advanced Instructional Methods in Special EducationCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-500

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A focus on the physical and instructional dimensions of teaching to include research-based strategies and techniques for learners with special needs; effective instruction for students with disabilities especially in literacy and math area; accommodations and adaptations; technology across the curriculum; as well as the learning implications of classroom organization and planning. This course requires demonstration that enrollees are able to evaluate, design, structure and implement instructional techniques and curriculum adaptations for students with learning problems. (Field experience is required.)

Course usage information

EDS-570   Assessment and Curricula Interventions and StrategiesCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A supervised clinical course where candidates develop assessment plans and conduct assessments of students (P-12) who are at risk or who have learning problems. Content includes: evaluation of sound assessment; reliability and validity; formal and informal assessment techniques; administration of norm-referenced and informal tests; analysis of data; and the interpretation of assessment for educational intervention and instructional planning. The knowledge and skills of the educational diagnostician are also emphasized.

Course usage information

EDS-571   Management of Challenging BehaviorsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An overview of the use of applied behavior analysis (ABA) for individuals with autism is the main focus of the course. Included are methods to increase behaviors, decrease behaviors, maintain behaviors, and generalize behaviors. Observation skills, data collection, and monitoring effectiveness of interventions are practiced. (Field experience is required.)

Course usage information

EDS-572   Assessment Strategies and Applications in the ClassroomCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): OL

Focuses on the educational assessment of students P-12 who may be at risk or who have been identified as having learning problems. Course content includes a discussion of assessment processes and concerns, importance of early intervention and procedural considerations. The course also includes an emphasis on educational interventions and strategies necessary to create an environment that leads to success for all learners with special needs. Further topics that are presented include accommodations and adaptations; technology across the curriculum; and learning implications of classroom assessments, classroom organization and planning. Candidates must demonstrate that they are able to create informal assessments, analyze data and structure and collaborate about instructional techniques and curriculum adaptations for students with learning problems. Clinical hours required.

Course usage information

EDS-580   Experimental DesignCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-530

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): OL

This course will prepare students to utilize single subject experimental designs. Topics will include dependent and independent variables, internal and external validity, and identification of features and advantages of single subject designs. Candidates will prepare and implement a comprehensive research project utilizing a single subject design as a culminating project. Fieldwork is required. Education majors only.

Course usage information

EDS-590   Diagnosis and Correction of Learning DisabilitiesCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-568, EDS-570 and completion of eighteen graduate credits

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

Focuses on the legal and ethical foundations for assessment of school-age students. Strategies for the selection, administration, and scoring of formal and classroom-based educational and social assessments are addressed. Assessing students' levels of performance, interpreting results to enhance learner functioning and identifying service and programming options are explored. Collaboration with families and other professionals to assist in writing Individual Education Plans (IEP) is addressed.

Course usage information

EDS-598   Special Topics in Special EducationCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

The subject matter varies with the interest of the students and the professor teaching the course. The exact nature of the topic covered in any given semester is indicated in the student's transcript. Permission of the program director is required. If a prerequisite is required it will be announced in the course schedule.

Course usage information

EDS-599   Independent Study in Special EducationCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Independent research in education in an area not substantially treated in a regular course offering, under the supervision of an Education faculty member; written evaluation of the research is required. For students with superior ability. Prior permission of the directing professor and department chair is required to take this course.

Course usage information

EDS-601   Applied Behavior Analysis: IntroductionCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Fall Term

Course Type(s): OL

This course includes an overview of basic concepts associated with applied behavior analysis (ABA). Candidates will explore the science of behavior analysis including goals, philosophical assumptions, and dimensions of ABA. Basic concepts and principles (including definitions and examples) will also be introduced. Education majors only.

Course usage information

EDS-602   Applied Behavior Analysis: Concepts and PrinciplesCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-601

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): OL

This course teaches foundational concepts and principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). There will be a specific focus on the learning principles, basic characteristics, processes, concepts and terminology in ABA. Education majors only.

Course usage information

EDS-603   Applied Behavior Analysis: Behavior AssessmentCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-601, EDS-602

Term Offered: Summer Term

Course Type(s): None

This course will focus on functional behavior assessment. Topics include reviewing records, determining the need for services, identifying socially significant behavior change goals, conducting assessments, describing functions of behavior, and interpretation of functional assessment data. Education majors only.

Course usage information

EDS-604   Applied Behavior Analysis: Behavior Change ProceduresCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-601, EDS-602, and EDS-603

Term Offered: Summer Term

Course Type(s): OL

This course will focus on the use and evaluation of conducting functional behavior change procedures for behavior analysts working in the field. Topics include using reinforcement, punishment, shaping, chaining, extinction, token economies, group contingencies, self-management, prompting, and evidence-based teaching strategies. Using procedures to promote generalization and maintenance will also be discussed. Education majors only.

Course usage information

EDS-605   Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Personnel Supervision and ManagementCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-601, EDS-602, EDS-603, and EDS-604

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

This course is the 5th course in the BACB approved course sequence. Content includes a review of concepts and principles as well as detailed information on personnel supervision and management including assessing supervisee skills, establishing clear performance expectations, training, monitoring performance, and use of functional assessment approaches to identify variables impacting personnel performance (field work required).

Course usage information

EDS-606   Ethics and Professionalism for Behavioral AnalysisCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-601, EDS-602, EDS-603, EDS-604 and EDS-605

Course Type(s): None

Content focuses on ethical considerations and professionalism within the field of behavior analysis. Emphasis is placed on interpretation/analysis of case studies in order to identify ethical and best practices within the field. Skills in collaboration, feedback, goal setting, termination and follow-up are discussed and integration of ethical and legal procedures into behavioral analytic practice with individuals and families is emphasized.

Course usage information

EDS-607   Experimental DesignCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-530, EDS-601, EDS-602, EDS-603, EDS-604, and EDS-605;

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

This course is designed to be the culminating course in the Master's program in Autism/ABA and the ABA certificate program and will focus on experimental research with emphasis on single subject research designs, behavioral measurement, data analysis methods, and critical evaluation of single subject research studies. Candidates will utilize knowledge from previous EDS 600 level ABA courses to prepare and implement a comprehensive research project utilizing a single subject design and create a poster presentation in order to share results.

Course usage information

EDS-610   Internship in Learning Disabilities Teacher-ConsultantCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDS-570, EDS-590 and approval of the program director

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Teacher consultation in a public or private agency as part of a Child Study Team under the supervision of a certified Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant and a faculty member.

Course usage information

EDS-699   Independent Study in Special EducationCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Independent research in education in an area not substantially treated in a regular course offering, under the supervision of an Education faculty member; written evaluation of the research is required. For students with superior ability. Prior permission of the directing professor and department chair is required to take this course.