Education Educational Counseling (EDC)

Education Educational Counseling (EDC)

Course usage information

EDC-CPE   Counseling Preparatory Comprehensive ExaminationCredits: None   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A comprehensive examination to demonstrate the knowledge of counseling in terms of CACREP professional standards of 1) Human Growth and Development, 2) Social and Cultural Foundations, 3) Helping Relationship, 4) Group Work, 5) Career and Lifestyle Development, 6) Appraisal, 7) Research and Program Evaluation, and 8) Professional Orientation and Ethics. Must be taken during Internship 1 and 2. This is a pass/fail course.

Course usage information

EDC-500   Introduction to Professional CounselingCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Designed as an introduction to the counseling profession with an emphasis on school counseling and student affairs. Traces the history of the school counseling profession, exposes the student to theoretical positions and approaches of counselors, orients the student to an initial understanding of legal and ethical obligations, prepares the student for school counseling, student affairs and the culture of schools and university, differentiates school counseling and student affairs from other counseling specialties and other school professionals, and provides the basis for continued studies in the counseling program.

Course usage information

EDC-501   Introduction to College Student Development and Student AffairsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Fall Term

Course Type(s): None

A foundational overview of the theory and practice of student affairs administration and college counseling with an emphasis on educating emerging professionals to facilitate development in postsecondary students and environments within higher education. This course will focus on college student development theory and developing supportive frameworks necessary to promote student success.

Course usage information

EDC-502   Counseling SkillsCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500 and EDC-505

Co-requisite(s): EDC-530

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): HY

This course is designed to assist students in the development of their counseling skills. Students will develop a better understanding of themselves and their role in a helping relationship. In addition to the development of basic counseling skills, students will be able to recognize specific counseling microskills and when to use them. Further, this course will allow students to practice their counseling skills through the use of audio and video taping, live role playing, and providing critique and feedback to classmates.

Course usage information

EDC-505   Counseling and Ethical PracticeCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An intensive introduction to counseling skills and ethical principles within the school/university environment. Skills in counseling responses, feedback, goal setting, termination and follow-up are practiced in a clinical setting. Integration of ethical and legal procedures into school counseling/student affairs practice with children, families, and young adults is emphasized. A combination of theory and practice through role-play, videotape practice, and supervisory feedback.

Course usage information

EDC-508   Trauma and Crisis in CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, EDC-502, EDC-530, EDC-535

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): HY

This course is designed to prepare students to work with students who have experienced trauma or who are currently in a crisis situation. Students will learn trauma-informed counseling strategies and crisis intervention approaches. Given the frequency of occurrences of traumatic events or crisis situations, this course will provide students the opportunity to develop their skills and awareness of how these situations will impact their professional roles. This course will allow students to practice handling trauma and crisis situations through role playing and discussing these events.

Course usage information

EDC-510   Human Growth and DevelopmentCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A study of principles and concepts of cognitive, personality, and social development from conception through death. An overview of empirical research and theoretical frameworks used in the study of life-span human development with a special emphasis on school-age and young adult populations. Uses both lecture and seminar formats. Students should be able to discuss the major theoretical questions involved in the study of life span development, as well as be able to discuss current findings in the areas of social, cognitive, personality, and moral development and the implications for student success in school and throughout the life span.

Course usage information

EDC-512   Access and Equity in EducationCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, EDC-520, EDC-530, EDC-535, and completion of fifteen credits.

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): HY

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the role that systemic influences play in access and equity in education. Students will engage with research, theory, and practice models related to access to college and equity in higher education institutions, with an emphasis on how counselors in educational settings can disrupt racist policies and practices in schools. Using a social justice framework, this course will prepare students to be agents of change.

Course usage information

EDC-515   Risk and Resiliency in Children and AdolescentsCredits: 3   

Course Type(s): None

Examines the developmental trajectory for at-risk children and adolescents and factors that promote resilience. Thoroughly examines the etiology of alcohol and drug abuse. Factors that contribute to school failure and success will also be addressed. Candidates will be able to identify risk (e.g. poverty, disabilities, child maltreatment, etc.) and protective factors and identify interventions that promote positive developmental outcomes.

Course usage information

EDC-517   Community Mental HealthCredits: 3   

Course Type(s): None

An overview of mental health counseling within community and health/human services settings. Reviews prevention, intervention, and needs assessment, as well as program implementation and evaluation, in a comprehensive way. Client advocacy, governmental policies, obtaining funding, and other aspects of the delivery of human services are explored, with particular focus on the management and ethical standards of all administrative and clinical counseling services related to mental health programs.

Course usage information

EDC-520   Advanced Topics in Race and RacismCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-535

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Targets advanced topics in race and racism. More specifically, the course will progress through discussions and education about the history of race and related racism in the United States; current systemic racial inequities; personal and societal racism and its impacts on People of Color and Whites; White cultural norms and related power and privilege; White ethnicity and its relation to race and racism, and; skill building in antiracist advocacy for counselors. This is a pass/fail course.

Course usage information

EDC-525   Assessment for CounselingCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Covers the theories and practice of selection, administration, and interpretation of various instruments used in school and university settings to measure achievement, intelligence, aptitude, and ability with an overview of the ethical and legal use of these instruments. Statistics necessary to understand test data will be examined as well as strategies necessary to communicate test results to clients, parents, adults, and school personnel. Part theory and part skill laboratory where students will practice the administration of various educational instruments.

Course usage information

EDC-530   Counseling Theory and PracticeCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Explores the major counseling theories and related techniques with emphasis on translating counseling theory into effective practice with children, adolescents, adults, and families in schools and universities. Special attention is given to experiential analysis and the demonstration of effective school counseling skills using the various theoretical modalities. Part theory and part counseling skills laboratory with intensive role-play, discussion and feedback.

Course usage information

EDC-535   Diversity and Social JusticeCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Experiential and clinical opportunities to become multiculturally competent school/university counselors as well as to understand students and their families within their unique cultural, historical, and ethnic contexts. Emphasis is placed on individual, group and systemic counseling models and interventions to promote multicultural sensitivity, diversity, equity, and access for all students. Extensive personal development experiences, role-play, and Triad Model practice are provided.

Course usage information

EDC-540   Group CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, and EDC-530

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Designed to provide an overview of the basic process, dynamics, theoretical components, and developmental aspects of group counseling. It encompasses an increase in counselor skills, group leadership and facilitation. Emphasis is placed on understanding the diversity of students and their families. Combines the use of lectures, discussion, experiential exercises, readings, and journaling to advance students' knowledge and skills in group counseling. Emphasis on working with diverse groups is also integrated into the course. Students will explore group leader and member roles through participation in various group situations.

Course usage information

EDC-541   Leadership and Administration of Campus EnvironmentsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

A complete overview of administration, organization and governance models of American higher education institutions. Through gaining a conceptual understanding of the college and university campus as an environment, this course will focus on leadership and social justice systems approaches necessary to facilitate a culture to promote the retention and persistence of postsecondary students within campus environments.

Course usage information

EDC-545   Career Development and CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505 and EDC-530

Course Type(s): None

Designed to explore career counseling, development theory, and practices with consideration for life roles, diversity issues, and nontraditional careers within the context of school and university settings. Theories, models, techniques, and resources including consultation relevant to decision making, assessment, career planning, and placement are addressed with attention to computer-based applications and Internet resources. Education majors only.

Course usage information

EDC-546   Substance Awareness and Prevention in the SchoolsCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-555

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

This course is a comprehensive study of the role of the Substance Awareness Coordinator in the Schools K-12. The areas that will be included for study will be a review of research based awareness and prevention programs as related to ATOD as seen in the school systems. School law, regulations, and policies, as it relates to substance abuse in the schools, as well as how well / consistent it is followed based on the school culture and the dynamics in a particular district. Prevention and advocacy will be emphasized as a large part of the SAC position, as well as learning to work within the school culture. Curriculum planning and staff education and development in chemical health will be an essential part of the course. Negotiating the systems to maximize potential of the SAC position will be the main focus. Prerequisite: EDC-555

Course usage information

EDC-550   Counseling At-Risk Children and FamiliesCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, and EDC-530

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Counseling, intervention, and referral techniques for at-risk children, adolescents and their families with intensive practice in family counseling and crisis intervention skills. Family theory and applications for practical skills in the school environment are emphasized through various experiential learning activities. The school counselor's role as an advocate and direct service provider for students and their families with multiple risk factors is emphasized.

Course usage information

EDC-555   School Counseling Program Planning and ConsultationCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, and EDC-530

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A comprehensive data-driven overview of the theory and practice for designing, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive school counseling program P-12. Consultation within a school setting will be emphasized in this course. Multidimensional approaches will be studied, including school-based consultation, case consultation, systems consultation, and consultation with a school counseling program. Empirical research will be utilized in conjunction with school counseling programs based on national standards.

Course usage information

EDC-560   Consultation Procedures for CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, and EDC-530

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

Explores foundational concepts, theories, and models fundamental to school-based practices. Multidimensional approaches will be studied, including school-based consultation, case consultation, systems consultation, and consultation with a school counseling program. Consultation procedures are emphasized as a central part of the school counselor competencies in a multicultural environment. Includes consultation case conceptualization, role play, clinical demonstrations, reflections, and course projects.

Course usage information

EDC-565   Supervision of CounselorsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Summer Term

Course Type(s): None

Explore current foundational concepts, theories, and models fundamental to the administration of supervision of school counselors, and student service professionals within an educational environment. Multidimensional approaches to clinical supervision will be addressed using supervision models, including practical experience for counseling professionals who have responsibility directing the personal and professional development of school counselors. Critical analysis of theories of counselor supervision, techniques associated with theories, and assessment of supervision models will be examined. Also explores the benefits and shortcomings of individual versus group supervision, with particular focus on characteristics that make for a competent supervisor and effective supervisory relationships. Further explores the role of both supervisor and supervisee, ethical and legal considerations, evaluative criteria, cultural and gender issues, research and social justice.

Course usage information

EDC-570   Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs and ServicesCredits: 3   

Course Type(s): None

A comprehensive study of alcohol and drug programs and services in the school and community including research-based prevention and intervention programs, chemical health curricula, policy, and staff development. Emphasis on the role of the substance awareness coordinator in organizing and coordinating intervention and referral services and multidisciplinary intervention teams.

Course usage information

EDC-575   Alcohol and Drug Assessment and CounselingCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): None

A comprehensive approach to assessment and treatment planning with alcohol and drug-affected students, including the intake interview, clinical assessment, and administration and interpretation of formal and informal instruments. Attention is given to the roles of the substance awareness coordinator and the counselor in assessment, referral, and intervention.

Course usage information

EDC-580   Behavioral Issues in CounselingCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Designed to explore the contemporary behavioral issues that affect preschool through university level students and their families. Emphasis will be placed on a comprehensive understanding of commonly encountered behavioral issues such as ADD/ADHD, Persuasive Development Disorders, and Mood Disorders. Students will learn the process of identification, assessment, intervention, and follow-up of working with students with such issues.

Course usage information

EDC-598   Special Topics in Educational CounselingCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

The subject matter varies with the interest of the students and the professor. The exact nature of the topic covered in any given semester is indicated on the student's transcript. If a prerequisite is required it will be announced in the course schedule.

Course usage information

EDC-599   Independent Study in Educational CounselingCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Independent research in education in an area not substantially treated in a regular course offering, under the supervision of a counseling faculty member. Written evaluation of the research is required. For students with superior ability. Prior permission of the directing professor and department chair is required to take this class. Application must be filed before registration.

Course usage information

EDC-600   Practicum in CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, EDC-530, and EDC-535

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An intensive supervised 100-hour, field-based experience in the school or university, which provides an orientation to the school counselor's role within a school counseling program or student affairs program. Provides supervised opportunities to practice individual and group counseling skills along with day-to-day tasks of the school counselor/student affairs professional. Additionally, intensive individual and group supervision is provided through videotaped and/or audio taped sessions.

Course usage information

EDC-601A   Internship in Counseling I: School CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, EDC-520, EDC-530, EDC-535, EDC-540, EDC-600 and completion of twenty-four credits

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An intensive supervised 300-hour field-based experience, which allows students who have completed the practicum to participate in a range of professional experiences expected of a school counselor or student affairs professional. Includes a requirement of documented supervised work as a student school counselor under the supervision of a practicing school counselor/student affairs professional and intensive individual and group supervision in the university seminar through videotaped and/or audio taped sessions. Students in the school counseling track should register for EDC-601A and students in the student affairs/college counseling track should register for EDC-601B.

Course usage information

EDC-601B   Internship in Counseling I: Student Affairs/College CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-500, EDC-505, EDC-520, EDC-530, EDC-535, EDC-540, EDC-600 and completion of twenty-four credits

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An intensive supervised 300-hour field-based experience, which allows students who have completed the practicum to participate in a range of professional experiences expected of a school counselor or student affairs professional. Includes a requirement of documented supervised work as a student school counselor under the supervision of a practicing school counselor/student affairs professional and intensive individual and group supervision in the university seminar through videotaped and/or audio taped sessions. Students in the school counseling track should register for EDC-601A and students in the student affairs/college counseling track should register for EDC-601B.

Course usage information

EDC-602A   Internship in Counseling II: School CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-601A or EDC-601B

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An intensive supervised 300-hour field-based experience, which allows students who have completed the practicum to participate in a range of professional experiences expected of a school counselor or student affairs professional. Includes a requirement of documented supervised work as a student school counselor under the supervision of a practicing school counselor/student affairs professional and intensive individual and group supervision in the university seminar through videotaped and/or audio taped sessions. Students in the school counseling track should register for EDC-602A and students in the student affairs/college counseling track should register for EDC-602B.

Course usage information

EDC-602B   Internship in Counseling II: Student Affairs/College CounselingCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): EDC-601A or EDC-601B

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

An intensive supervised 300-hour field-based experience, which allows students who have completed the practicum to participate in a range of professional experiences expected of a school counselor or student affairs professional. Includes a requirement of documented supervised work as a student school counselor under the supervision of a practicing school counselor/student affairs professional and intensive individual and group supervision in the university seminar through videotaped and/or audio taped sessions. Students in the school counseling track should register for EDC-602A and students in the student affairs/college counseling track should register for EDC-602B.

Course usage information

EDC-606   Research Methodology and ApplicationsCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): EDRES

Designed to provide the students with a basic understanding of the practical and theoretical applications of educational research methodology. Beginning with an examination of the role of research in education, students will be guided through the process of reviewing and analyzing information and data from a variety of sources, comparing and contrasting the different types of research designs, understanding the role of descriptive and inferential statistics, and the development of a research project.

Course usage information

EDC-610   SAC InternshipCredits: 3   

Prerequisite(s): PC-540, PC-515 or EDC-510 or SW-509; PC-542 or SW-604; PC-510 or SW-518; EDC-555 and permission of the instructor

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

A supervised three-credit, 300-hour field-based supervised experience in the school, which allows students to intern as a student assistance coordinator. This is the culminating activity of the student assistance coordinator program in which students will apply what they have learned in a school setting.

Course usage information

EDC-672   Advanced Theory in Play TherapyCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): OL

Provides an in-depth understanding of the history and theories of play therapy. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the roles of therapists and parents through the play process. Diversity and multicultural considerations for theoretical perspectives are highlighted. Also listed as SW-672 and PC-672.

Course usage information

EDC-673   Advanced Techniques in Play TherapyCredits: 3   

Term Offered: Spring Term

Course Type(s): HY

Provides students with the opportunity to develop techniques and methods of play therapy. Emphasis is placed on working with children, adolescents, and adults through individual, group, and family play therapy. Major topics include group play therapy, family play therapy, short-term play therapy, and sand tray/sand play therapy. Additionally, diversity and multicultural considerations are highlighted. Also listed as SW-673 and PC-673.

Course usage information

EDC-674   Play Therapy for Children at RiskCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): OL

Focus is on play therapy with vulnerable and high-risk children. Emphasis on working with children, adolescents, and adults using play therapy in trauma and crisis situations is highlighted. Special attention is given to social issues that can lead to or exacerbate trauma or crisis. Also listed as SW-674 and PC-674

Course usage information

EDC-675   Educational Counseling Capstone in CounselingCredits: 3   

Co-requisite(s): EDC-602A or EDC-602B

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): HY

This course is designed to assist students in their personal and professional self-reflection, to solidify their academic experience into preparedness for the future. Such preparedness will also include the areas of self-care, including from a social justice advocate perspective, and continued professional development. Further, the course and course instructor, will support students in successfully creating a capstone project paper that demonstrates mastery of the competencies necessary to function as a counseling professional or student affairs professional, and social justice advocate within their chosen profession. Students' projects will reflect a culmination of their program.

Course usage information

EDC-699   Independent Study: Ed CounselCredits: 3   

Term Offered: All Terms

Course Type(s): None

Independent research in education in an area not substantially treated in a regular course offering, under the supervision of a counseling faculty member. Written evaluation of the research is required. For students with superior ability. Prior permission of the directing professor and department chair is required to take this course. Application must be filed before registration.