Academic Definitions

Academic Definitions

Undergraduate Student Classification

Regular (Matriculated)/Non-Matriculated

All students—those attending during the day, in the evening, or weekends—are classified as either regular (matriculated) or non-matriculated.

A regular (matriculated) student is one who has been admitted and who intends to earn a degree. The class standing is determined by the number of credits earned as follows:

Year Credits
Freshman 0–29.5 credits
Sophomore 30–59.5 credits
Junior 60-89.5 credits
Senior 90 credits or greater

A non-matriculated student is one who is not a candidate for a degree. Non-matriculated students are subject to the same fees and regulations as regular students. See the Admission section of this catalog for further information about admission as a non-matriculated student.


Undergraduates who carry twelve (12) or more credits during a semester are classified as full-time students. The normal semester course load for full-time students is fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) credits. Those who carry fewer than twelve (12) credits are classified as part-time students.

Maximum Course Load

Undergraduate students who wish to carry nineteen (19) to twenty-one (21) credits in a regular term must obtain the permission of the department chair. Students wishing to enroll for more than twenty-one (21) credits need the permission of both their department chair and school dean. Undergraduate students are limited to twelve credits total for the summer without prior permission from the school dean. Students are strongly urged to avoid attempting more courses than they can complete satisfactorily.

Auditor Classification

An auditor is a student who attends a class for the purpose of attaining knowledge but not to earn credits. The auditor is expected to attend classes, do assigned readings, and participate in class discussions but is not required to take examinations.

Students who wish to audit a class must complete a “Permission to Audit a Class” e-FORM, which is available from the Monmouth University portal, myMU. The permission form must be received prior to the third class meeting. Auditor registration is subject to course section availability. No more than two (2) courses may be audited per semester. Students may not change the status of their registration in a course to “audit” or to “for credit” during the term. Auditors may be removed from classes after registering if seats are needed for matriculating students.

Part-time students who audit classes will be charged at the audit rate regardless of their status (matriculated or non-matriculated); the audit rate is one-third of the regular per-credit tuition rate.

Full-time undergraduates whose total semester credits (including those in audited classes) are in the twelve (12) – eighteen (18) range will be billed at the full-time tuition rate. If a full-time undergraduate audits a class whose credits put the total credit load in excess of eighteen (18) credits, the credits beyond eighteen (18) will be billed at the audit rate.

The transcripts of auditors, who, in the judgment of faculty members, do not attend class or participate sufficiently, will not reflect the audited courses.